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Lifting Clamps Inspection and Major Parts Scrapped Standards

Apr. 27, 2017

There is Vertical Lifting Clamps, reversal lifting clamps and other types. About Lifting Clamps Inspection:

1.Steel plate clamp surface should be smooth, no cracks, damage, welding should be penetration, no slag, no welding deformation

2.Check rings, shaft holes and other cracks, the ring wear does not exceed the original diameter of 10%.

3.liifted clamp do double safety load to test, and keep five minutes, after re-ing, a comprehensive inspection shall not have permanent deformation. It should be marked with safety load and other mark.

4.Steel clamp jaw opening degree should be increased in the original size of 10%.

Major parts scrapped standards, one of the following conditions should be discontinued, repaired or scrapped:

1. jaw opening degree exceed the original size of 10%.

2.Shaft pin, shaft wear more than 10% of the original diameter, ring wear more than original diameter of 10%.

3.The surface cracks

4. Fixture maximum wear more than the original size of 10%.

Lifting Clamps